sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2016

Acarya Kesari Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami

by Puru Das Adhikari

Sri Sri Guru and Gaurangau Jayatah

His Life and Teachings
Ccompiled by a disciple of the Founder of Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti and the Sri Gaudiya Mathas throughout India belonging to it, the best amongst the 10th generation of descendants in the bhagavata-parampara
from Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Sri Gaudiya Acarya Kesari Nityalilapravista
Om Visnupada Astottarasata
Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava
Gosvami Maharaja

Tridandisvami Srimad Bhaktivedanta
Narayana Maharaja
Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti
Introduction to the first English edition
This book is unique and very significant. It presents for Western readers the life and teachings of a recent acarya in a Gaudiya Vaisnava (rather than a Western) environment. Here we directly see the activities and interactions of deeply realized vaisnavas within an authentic Gaudiya Vaisnava culture. We are also privileged to witness the guru-disciple relationship in a line of empowered acaryas, and to see a variety of expressions of guru-nistha.
Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja has presented an overview of essential Gaudiya siddhanta. He has shown practically how an acarya preaches and teaches, from the 'jungle-cutting' challenges to mayavada and the threats of apasampradayas and apasiddhanta, to the prayojana of Vraja bhakti. This present volume therefore has a very important role in the protection of our sampradaya, both in dispelling illusion and in establishing the real goal.
This is a more or less literal translation of Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja's Hindi biography of Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajñana Kesava Gosvam.... We request the reader to be patient with our efforts. The English language is not capable of conveying the deep significance of one maha-bhagavata's statements about another maha-bhagavata. In addition, the patterns of speech in Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Mahaaja's eloquent, literary Hindi are quite different from those in conventional written English, and it is impossible to translate one into the other. Over and above that, our incompetence and inexperience must necessarily give rise to all sorts of imperfection, inaccuracy and inconsistency.
We have tried not to burden the Western reader with many unnecessary Sanskrit words and terms. However, we cannot appreciate or understand the Gaudiya presentation of tattva and rasa without becoming familiar with many Sanskrit words and terms for which there are no exact English equivalents. We have tried to introduce these in a systematic and reader friendly way, using translations in the body of the text and in footnotes.
This book has been produced by the combined efforts of many disciples and followers of Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Naryana Maharaj. This list of the names who helped is far too long to publish.
Srila Maharaj has glorified his Guru Maharaj, saying that he accepts the very insignificant service of his servants as being very great. We pray that Srila Maharaj will show us the same mercy, but in much greater measure, because of our deep and real lack of qualification. He has accepted so much trouble and disturbance in trying to help his Western disciples and followers, who find no other shelter at the present time. We do not yet know what guru-seva actually is, but we helplessly pray to him that he will kindly continue to help and inspire us to become free from our deep attachment to maya-vasana, and to dive deep into the ocean of Sri Rupanuga Gaudiya Viasnava siddhanta and sadhana-bhajana.
It is said that the grandfather is much more affectionate than the father. We surrender at the lotus feet of Acarya Kesari Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaj, whose preadhing has helped to save us from ma dark destiny and to bring us toward the light. We humbly pray that he will bless our very feeble efforts to serve his beloved disciple Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayan Maharaja, his dear Godbrother and sannyasa disciple Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj, and our whole Gaudiya vaisnava parampara.
We pray at the lotus feed of Jagadguru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada for a particle of service to his disciples and successor acaryas, who are kindly and boldly continuing his mission and protecting his sampradaya.
On the occasion of the disappearance day
Sri Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Govami Maharaja,
Sarada Purnima, Samvat 2055 (October 24th, l999)
The Publishers
(to the Hindi edition)
Today I am most pleased that we have published the biography of Paramaradhya Nityalilapravista Om Visnupada Astottarasata Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami, combined with his tattva- siddhanta and teachings. The absence of this important scripture had been causing unease for a long time.
The preaching of harinama-sankirtana is increasing everywhere today by the effort of the disciples and grand-disciples of Jagadguru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarsvati Gosami Prabhupada. He is the maha-purusa who is mainly responsible for preaching Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's visuddha bhakti and harinama-sankirtanathroughout the entire world. This was predicted by the Seventh Gosvami, Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura. As Bhagiratha brought down Bhagiratha Ganga, so Thakura Bhaktivinoda re-established the flow of Bhagirathi bhakti. That is to say, Srila Thakura again established the long-lost desire of Sri Sacinandana Gaurahari, who is the most magnanimous form of Vrajendranandana Sri Krsna, resplendent with the bhava of Sri Radha. My most worshipful Srila Gurupadapadma, who is Srila Prabhupada’s intimate follower, has expecially made the fulfillment of Srila Prabhupada’s innermost desire the sole duty of his life. In this regard he had all kinds of hel form many of his Godbrothers, amongst whom Srimad Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaj is prominent. Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami’s causeless compassion and inspiration encouraged Srila Svami Maharaj in his preaching, and I (the author) am also making some slight endeavor to fulfill his inermost desire. Any success I am achieving in this endeavour is only due to his special mercy.
Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami is the sannyasa guru of Srimad Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaj, who is the outsanding preacher of suddha bhakti andnama sankirtana throughout the entire world in modern times. I am an insignificant person in all respects, but by his transcendental and causeless mercy I am also very successfully preaching the teachings of Gaurasundara everywhere in the world to fulfill his innermost desire. Seeing this, all fiathful people at home and abroad are very eager to learn about this transcendental maha-purusa’s supramundane character, his life-story and the speciality of his conceptions. These people have repeatedly requested me topublish his biography. Many of my respectable Godbrothers have also made the same requewst. However, I had to postpone the project because I was busy with other services and also had some problems with my health.
13 years ago, in l985, my Godbrtoher Pujyapada Parivrajakacarya Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja, who is the President and Acarya of Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, and a follower of transcendental knowledge, compiled Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami, which is an account of his life, tattva-siddhanta and teachings. This book is written in Bengali, and is based on Paramaradhyatama Srila Gurupadapadma’s articles, essays, poems and writings which have been published in the daily Nadiya-prakasa, and the weekly and monthly Sri Gaudiya and Sri Gaudiya-patrika. In this book he has very briefly described Srila Gurupadapadma’ supramundane life-story and the speciality of his conceptions. This is extremely beneficial for those who speak Bengali, but nor for the vast numbers of faithful people who speak Hindi. This lack has been causing unease for a long time. I pray at the lotus feet of my Godbrothers and especially at the lotus feet of Srila Gurupadapadma, who is the ocean of compassion, to install power in my heart to be able to fulfill this task of making his life-story available in Hindi.
I had the good opportunity to stay with Srila Gurupadapadma personally and perform all kinds of seva from l945 until he entered aprakata-lila in l968. I stayed close t ohim,hearing his lectures, his scriptural devates with opposing parties, and his discussions and questions and answers at different places. During this whole time I took notes in my notebook. Sometimes I could not stay quite near him, and with great humility I enquired from about deep and confidential subjects, and I also had discussions with him. I wrote all these subject matters in my note book, and they also became inscribed in my heart. These discussion and interactions with Srila Gurudeva proved very useful for me.
While we were living in Sru Uddharana Gaudiya Matha in Chunchura, we repeatedly requested Srila Gurudeva’s younger brother, Sri Pulina Vihari Guhathakurta, to write a booklet about Sria Gurudeva’s life beginning with his childhood until the time that he joined the matha. This he did, and on the request of our Godbrothers, Sri Yaminikanta Dasa (M.E.B.T.),Jirata High School’s very able principal, wrote Srila Gurudeva’s biography in Bengali poetry based on this booklet. IN addition to the topics covered in Pulina Bihari Guhathakurta’s booklet, Sri Yaminikanta Dasa also incorporated some details about Srila Gurudeva’s life in Caitanya Matha and the later inauguration of Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti. Pujyapada Vamana Maharaj took help from this for his biography on Srila Gurudeva. The primary materials for this present edition are Sri Yaminikanta Dasa’s book, together with my own note books and memories. I personally heard from Srila Gurudeva’s mouth the many incidents form his own life and from the lives of Srila Prabhupada, Srila Gaurakisore Das Babaji Maharaja and Sri Vamsidasa Babaji Maharaja.
I have divided Srila Gurudeva’s biography into eight parts. The faithful readers may carefully read the different subject matters in this book, and judge the results for themselves.
Sriman Haripriya Brahmacari and Sriman Navinkrsna Brahmacari ‘Vidyalankara’ have worked ver hard to prepare the manuscript for this book. The service endeavours of Srimati Santi Devi Dasi and Sriman Purandara Brahmacari in composing and correcting this book are notable. In addition to this, the efforts of Sri Omprakasa Vrajavasi (M.A., L.L.B.) ‘Sahityaratna,’ Sriman Subhananda Brahmacari ‘Bhagavata-bhusana,’ Sriman Premananda Brahmacari ‘Sevaratna,’ Sriman Paramesvari Brhamacari, Srimad Pundarika Brahmacari and others in proof-reading and performing other tasks in connection with this book are extremely praiseworthy. My humble prayer at Srila Gurupadapadma’s lotus feet is that he may shower abundant kindness upon them and may engage them in his desired service.
On the occasion of the appearance day of
Sri Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja,
Samvat 2055 (February 3, l999)
An aspirant for a particle of mercy of Sri Hari, Guru and Vaisnavas,
Tridandi Bhiksu Sri Bhaktivedanta Narayana

Table of contents
First Part......1-23
Bhagavata Guru-parampara............1
Student-life,protection of the samindari (land holidings and the
beginning of spiritual life....14
Taking darsaqna of Srila Gaura Kisore Dasa Babaji Maharaja and
Receiving his blessings.......18
Second Part................24-76
Leaving home............24
Receiving diks and guru mantra............31
Ideal matha life..........33
By the order of Sri Gurudeva Sri Vinodbihari defends the property
of his previous asrama, his family zamindari......34
Seva of the brhd mrdanga....39
Seva of Sridhama Mayapura.............39
Ideal guru-seva...........40
A special contribution to the establishmnet of
Bagbazar Gaudiya Matha.....44
A Vedantic explanation of the word paramananda............46
Sri Vinodbihari and the Thakura Bhaktivinoda Institute.........50
The title ‘Kirtiratna.........51
Bhagavata-seva through vcourt-case proceedings............52
Ideal Vaisnava life...........53
First meeting with Pujyapada Sridhara Maharaja.............54
Prabhupada’s opinion of an ideal guru-sevaka.....57
The transfer of Srila Gaura Kisore DasaBabaji Maharaja’s
Preaching of suddha-bhakti....60
Interest in tattva philosophy....62
Sri mahamantra and kirtana...64
Decorated with the title ‘Upadesaka’...........65
His Highness Sri John Anderson, Governer of Bengal, visits
Sridhama Mayapura.........67
The inauguration of Sri Mandira and the Deities
At Yogapitha.............69
Mayavada ki jivani............70
Srila Prabhupada enters aprakata-lila.........72
General superintendent of the Gaudiya Matha mission...........77
Obtaining the mercy of Srila Vamsidasa Babaji Maharaja......78
Foundation of Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti.......81
Complete dependence on Bhagavan.........86
Sri Srimad Bhaktisarvasva Giri Maharaja........88
Accepting sannyasa...........88
Preaching in various places of Bengal.........90
Re-establishment of Sridhama Navadvipa parikrama..........92
Manifestation of acarya-lila....94
Sri Sri Jagannathadeva’s Snana-yatra and Ratha-yatra in
Sri Uddharana Gaudiya Matha, Chunchura......95
Preaching and Vraja-mandala parikrama l944...99
84-kosa Ksetra-mandala parikrama l944... .....100
Parental affection for his disciples..........107
Sraddha ceremony according to vaisnava rites in
Preaching in Bihar..........113
Sri Vyasa-puja celebration... 114
The departure of Srila Narahari Sevavigraha Prabhu...........114
The decision to establish a matha in jagannatha Puri and the
Publishing of a monthly trasncendental magazine..............118
Preaching in Medinpura and Sundaravan........119
The self-manifestation of Sri Gaudiya Patrika on the occasion of Sri
Navadvipa Dhama parikrama and Sri Gaura-Janmotsava........125
Sri Avyodhyadhama,Naimisaranya parikrama and
urja vrata.................127
Sri Setubandha Ramesvara parikrama and urja vrata...........130
Srila Prabhupada’s viraha-utsava in Anandapada....131
Preaching santana-dharma in Vasirahata and the reply to Sri
Chattopadhyaya Mahasaya’s protest.............132
Sri Navadvipa Dhama parikrama, Sri Gaura-Janmotsava and Sri Vigraha’s
inauguration of Their newly constructed residence................134
Sripada Trigunatita Brahmacari Prabhu’s vesasraya............135
Preaching of suddha-bhakti in different places......136
The collecting and publishing of Sri Vyas-puja-paddahati............137
Awarding asottara-sara-nama tridanda-sanyasa..................138
Preaching suddha-bhakti in various places of Assam............148
Darsana of Sri Sr Jagannathaji’s Ratha-yatra in Sri Jagannatha
Sri Janmastami vrata and Sri Nandotsava in Chunchura Matha............153
Parikrama of Sri Badrikasrama and Kedarnatha...155
Sri Purusottama vrata............159
Re-establishing the Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Catuspathi.............161
Parikrama of Sri Avantika *Ujjayani) and Nasik...163
Preaching sanatana-dharma in Sri Ramapura Hoogly...........164
Preaching suddha-bhakti in various places in Caubis Pargana
and Medinipura.................164
Lecture at the eminent Sanskrit conference in Chunchura...167
Sri Vyaspuja festival in Visnupura Kamarpota of
Praching santana-dharma at various places in Assam...........169
Establishing Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha in Mathura and
Publishing Sri Bhagavat Patrika...............171
Installation of the Deities and Annakuta fstivalin Sri Kesavaji
Gaudiya Matha, Mathura..........176
Preaching of the words of Sri Caitanya in various
Places of Assam.................178
A protest against the law controlling Hindu sadhus and
Inauguration of Sri Gologanja Gaudiya Matha (Assam).............. 183
Sri Vyasa-puja celebration in Sri Golokganja Gaudiya Matha......185
Sri Acarya Kesari in the All-Bengal Vaisnava
Observing upavasa (fasting) on Sri Radhastami................186
Vyasa-puja at Sri Gauravani-Vinoda asrama in Khadagpur......188
Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti and Aksaya Trtiya......190
Preaching in Golokganja,Assam..............191
Esablishing a primary school and method of teaching
In Pichlada................192
The installation of the Deities in Sri Golokganja Gaudiya Matha.....194
Vyas-puja and inauguration of Sri Vigraha in the newly
Constructed mandira in Sri Gauravani-Vinoda-asrama in
Protest against Vaisnava Darsana composed by Sri Radha
Srila Acaryadeva in different places of Assam......202
Pichlada Gaudiya Matha installation of the Deities...............204
A philosophical assembly in Kesavapura.........207
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s disappearance festival in
Sri Sri Jagannathadeva’s ratha-yatra..........212
Celebration of Sri Janmastami and Sri Nadotsava at Sri
Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha, Mathura.............215
Observing kartika-vrata in Sri Devananada Gaudiya Matha.......215
Srila Prabhupada’s viraha-utsava in Chunchura Matha..........219
62 lectures of Sri acarya Kesari in 66 days......220
Srila Acaryadeva in Mursidabada region.........225
Preaching of suddha-bhakti in Sundarvana region of Bengal.......228
Sri Vyasa-puja celebration in Chunchura Matha...230
An extensive religious conferencein Valagada......233
Preaching in Assam, Sundaravana and other places..............234
Ratha-yatra and Jhulana-yatra celebrations in Sri Uddharana
Gaudiya Matha.............235
Parikrama under Srila Gurudeva’s shelter of all the Indian
Srila Acaryadeva in Jaipur.........239
Establishing a preaching center of the Samiti in Orissa...........240
Preaching of suddha-bhakti in Jaipur town.......241
The auspicious desire of Srila Acaryadeva regarding Sri Gaudiya
Vedanta Catuspathi managed by Sri Samiti ......244
The opinion of the tola supervisor regading Sri Gaudiya
Vedanta Catuspathi...........246
Establishment of Sri Gaudiya Charity Clinic.........247
Installation festival of Sri Vigraha in the newly built sri mandira
During Sri Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama and Sri Gaura-
Sri Navadvipa Dhama parikrama and Sri Gaura-Janmotsava.......254
Sri Devananda Gaudiya Matha....256
Sri Narahari Torana.........256
Sri matha consisting of seven sections..........257
Argument in the discussion regarding ‘touched and untouched’
(bhoga) in Sri Jagannatha Mandira...............265
Preaching in Siligudi and in various places in Bihar....267
Srila Acaryadeva preaching suddha-bhakti in Calcutt and
Preaching sudha-bhakti in Sri Mathura, Vrndavana,
Lucknow and Kasi.............270
Srila Acarya Kesari in Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Matha,Calcutta.........271
Inauguration of Sri Vasudeva Gaudiya Matha in Vasugrama, Assam....273
Lecture in the law court library and district library of Siudi.........274
Entering aprakrta-lila.................275
Fourth Part.............279-344
  1. A hint of his internal identity (sidha-svarupa)........279
  2. Theinferiority of direct perception............280
  3. Discussion with the Communist Samyavadi,Jyoti Babu............283
  4. Sri Gurudeva and bhiksa-dravya (donated commodities)..........285
  5. Srila Gurudeva and the svarupa of the jiva.........288
  6. The charm and superiority of the bhagavata-parampara...........298
    1. The guru-parampara of the commentator Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusan..................299
ii) The sisya-parampara of Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana.............300
iii) Pancaratrika-parampara is included within the bhagavata-parampara..............301
  1. The rasika and bhavukabhagavata.............309
  2. Service to the sampradaya........316
  3. The distinction between the Smarta and the Vaisnava conceptions......318
  4. A subtle distinction between the ideas of Srila Bhativinoda Thakura and Srila Sarasvati Thakura............324
  5. Srila Gurupadpadma’s supramundane character and guru nistha........331
Fifth Part......... .....345-400
The siddhanta proclaimed by Srila Gurudeva...........345
  1. Pramana-tattva...............351
  2. The self-evident Veda is the crest-jewel of evidence...351
  3. Only Krsna is parama-tattva......353
  4. Sri Krsna is sarva-saktiman.......357
  5. Sri Krsna is akhhila-rasamrta-sindhu (the ocean of all ambrosial mellows)362
  6. Jiva is the vibhinamsa-tattva of Sri Hari..........367
  7. Deliberation on thejiva who is sunder the influence of maya in the conditionedstage on account of his marignal nature...........374
  8. The jiva is free form maya in the liberated state.......377
  9. The ideology of inconcveivable difference and non-difference.........382
  10. Deliberation on suddha-bhakti.......387
  11. Love for Krsna is the ultimate objective of the jiva.....396
Sixth Part................401-480
Protecting the Sri Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya...401
  1. Refutation of kevaladvaita-vada......402
  2. The protection of his sampradaya.................411i)The Sri Gaudiya vaisnava sampradaya is in the line of Sri Madhva.....412
  3. Refutation of the doctrines of the smarta opponents of bhakti...........434
  4. Elligibility for serving Sri Salagram..............441
  5. Srila Gurupadpadma and sri vigraha-tattva..........442
  6. Refutation of ‘yata mata tata patha’..............452
  7. Refutation of the shajiya doctrine.....460
  8. Bheka-pranali and siddha-pranali....465i)Bheka-dharana (the system of babaji-veda).........465
Seventh Part.............481-557
Srila Gurudeva and viasnava literature..............481
The life history of mayavada’ or ‘The victory of vaisnavism..............481
a) What is mayavada..............481
b) Is this world false...............483
c) The means of liberation............484
d) The history of mayavada...........486
e) Advaita-vada in Satya-yuga...........487
f) The evolution of nirvisesa advaita-vada in Treta-yuga....488
g) Advaita-vada and its transformations in Dvarapa-yuga.....489
h)Advaita-vada or mayavada in Kali-yuga...............491
i)Liberation is a fsle concept..........493
Sri Sri Radha-Vinodabihari tattvastakam.............495
Sri Mangala-arati........522
Srila Prabhupada’s arati...............529
Sri Tulasi parikrama and arati...........537
Sri Caitanya Panjika (Sri Mayapura Panjika)...........544
Statement about Sri Gaudiya Patrika......547
Statements about Sri Bhagavata Patrika 5th June, 1955... ..552
Literature on suddha-bhakti comiled,published written and edited by
Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja.......557
Eighth Part...............558-566
The disciples of Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami
To whom he bestowed tridanda sannyasa and babaji vesa......558
Parikramas organised by Srila Acarya Kesari...........560
Preaching centres of suddha-bhakti established by Srila Acarya Kesari........560
Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesaava Gosvami Maharaja Upadesvali.......562
Some instructions handwritten by Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana
Kesava Gosvami Maharaja............566
Verse Index..............567-571
From the table of contents,and introductions, you can see that this is an extremely comprehensive and solid book, from Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja about the life and teachings of his beloved gurudeva.
I will be presenting for the internet, in several segments, the sixth part of this wonderful new book as an appropriate way to greet the new millenium year. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy can visit the Regional Book Distributor List.

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